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Preschool Storytime
2025-04-24 10:00:002025-04-24 11:00:00America/Indiana/IndianapolisPreschool StorytimeHave fun and be creative, together! Encourage a love of reading and enjoy stories, crafts, songs and more. Designed for ages 3-5 and their caregivers. Child's caregiver required.White River Branch - WRB Community Room (Whole Room)
Thursday, April 24 10:00am - 11:00am
Add to Calendar2025-04-24 10:00:002025-04-24 11:00:00America/Indiana/IndianapolisPreschool StorytimeHave fun and be creative, together! Encourage a love of reading and enjoy stories, crafts, songs and more. Designed for ages 3-5 and their caregivers. Child's caregiver required.White River Branch - WRB Community Room (Whole Room)
Have fun and be creative, together! Encourage a love of reading and enjoy stories, crafts, songs and more. Designed for ages 3-5 and their caregivers. Child's caregiver required.