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Guess That Disney Song Challenge
Genre Challenge
2023-06-14 18:00:002023-06-14 19:00:00America/Indiana/IndianapolisGuess That Disney Song Challenge Reminisce about your favorite Disney movies. Can you guess the song after 1 second? How about 5? Compete against other Disney fans to test your knowledge.Franklin Branch - FRB Community Room (Whole Room)
Wednesday, June 14 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Add to Calendar2023-06-14 18:00:002023-06-14 19:00:00America/Indiana/IndianapolisGuess That Disney Song Challenge Reminisce about your favorite Disney movies. Can you guess the song after 1 second? How about 5? Compete against other Disney fans to test your knowledge.Franklin Branch - FRB Community Room (Whole Room)
Reminisce about your favorite Disney movies. Can you guess the song after 1 second? How about 5? Compete against other Disney fans to test your knowledge.