2025-04-01 14:00:002025-04-01 15:00:00America/Indiana/IndianapolisNo April Fooling! I Made This! SnacksToddles and preschoolers, partner with your older sibling to learn how to make your own snacks. We will try a few easy yummy snacks and no April Fool jokes! Registration required.Clark Pleasant Branch - CPB Youth Program Room
Tuesday, April 01 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Add to Calendar2025-04-01 14:00:002025-04-01 15:00:00America/Indiana/IndianapolisNo April Fooling! I Made This! SnacksToddles and preschoolers, partner with your older sibling to learn how to make your own snacks. We will try a few easy yummy snacks and no April Fool jokes! Registration required.Clark Pleasant Branch - CPB Youth Program Room
Toddles and preschoolers, partner with your older sibling to learn how to make your own snacks. We will try a few easy yummy snacks and no April Fool jokes! Registration required.